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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yet To Come...

One of my closest friends got hitched tonight (well, last night technically). Everything, down to the very hearts of the two saying their vows, was beautiful and totally touched by our Lord...
Usually weddings get me down a bit, but I walk away tonight excited. Mostly, excited for Scott and Liisa's awesome adventure ahead in life... For their marriage, their future family, their life... How blessed I feel to be a support to them! But i settle down tonight also excited for my adventure ahead. I am not selfishly depressed that I have not yet experienced what most of my friends have, but I am so stoked to begin that journey - that process of getting to know the heart and gain the love only known between you and God, and a man and his wife- and I know that, without a doubt, the Lord has it all planned and one day I will understand what He has created to exist in the hearts between a man and a woman made for one another. 
My prayer is this: That my love and devotion and adoration grows more for my Lord everyday... That I my marriage and the steps before, will be pleasing to Him and gain the overwhelming support of those I love and share life with like Liisa and Scott are so blessed with. 
The Lord is awesome, at all times...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Blessed!

I was just thinking on my way home about a close friend of mine and the struggles they are going through... And how blessed I am to be a part of her life! I feel so honored to be someone to go to and be trusted with something so vulnerable as her heart. And a beautiful heart, too.
And then I just kind of took a step back and looked at all the people I trust with areas in my life that are so close to my heart, and now I'm convinced of so many things that I have been blind to...
Like, how ridiculously blessed I am to be given the family I have and all the friends that are such awesome pillars... How, beyond my understanding, I am able to meet all my financial needs... The fact that education is so available... And to top it off big time, the fact that no matter where I go and what I do, I am always loved beyond my comprehension and have every opportunity to give that love right back out to everyone. Words cannot describe. 
I was talking to this same friend on Sunday night... and the thought that stuck from our conversation was so true and simple that it comes back now with complete understanding: "When we quiet ourselves and let the Spirit fill us with out holding back anything, we are then able to be still and just know. And when we do this, those things about God and Our Lord that don't seem to make sense, somehow just do." There is such peace in that stillness.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What happened to all my brilliantness?

I use to have a blogspot way back in the day... I believe its Its really kinda silly and I havent read it since I last wrote about 4 years ago...

I will be posting all my more recent blogs here soon.

Right now I'm too lazy... :)