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Sunday, December 28, 2008

I... Am... In... LOVE!

I get butterflies in my stomach, a rush of adrenaline, and a little nauseous because I'm so excited about my new love: Snowboarding! I couldn't get enough of it yesterday. In fact, I want to go again today and on my days off and next weekend. Blisters, bruises, sore muscles & joints and all... 

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Its uncomfortable for me to be out of my comfort zone.

Tomorrow (or today) I am going snowboarding! YAY! Granted, last time i went was 10 years ago and I was surrounded by all of my closest girlfriends who didn't know how to board as well... And I will look like a complete idiot going with a bunch of people who seem to live on the mountains meaning I will likely be stranded on my own on the bunny hill...
BUT WHO CARES?! I'm going boarding! I loved it the first time and I am sure I still will. This is where I begin to think of things like "Oh my, my room is a mess. I should stay home and clean." Or "Bills have to be paid. I better stay home and pay them."or the classic "What if he wrecks the car on our way then I die?" Looking back at the fears I often use to rationalize the fact that I want to do so many thing, yet always find reasons not to actually do them... They are pretty silly and I find myself laughing at myself on the inside. 
God has not created us to live out of fear, but to LIVE a life of adventure, love, joy, risk and mostly faith. This is a little truth that is becoming bigger and more evident everyday as I trust him and faithfully step out of these comfort zones knowing that whatever the outcome, He will be there to catch me if it turns out bad, and there to guide my every step towards Him.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jacob Suitter's Awesome List for Today...

Hi. My name is Jacob and I write about Awesome things in list form. 
Today I am not feeling particularly awesome, although I always am.

 So here is today's List (written by my best female friend-in-the-top-ten, Alaina)...

Awesome Things To Do in Winter:
1. Snow Piles.  Make one that is 20 feet high and climb it like Everest. 

2. Go Look at the Lights. And smile knowing that all the prettiness is draining a very rich man's wallet.

3. Give. Nothing puts a smile on my (Alaina's) face like seeing someone open an awesome gift from you. Bonus points if they're just as excited as you are!

4. Baking. And receiving baked goods (like Lindsey S.'s amazing cookies), or CUPCAKES.

5. Paid Holidays. Nothing more need be said besides:
 (Day Off + Still Making a Living) Family + Food= AWESOME!

6. Visitors. Its the highlight of the holidays when a friend or family member comes home for that glorious week after not seeing them for a long while.

7. Christmas Parties and White Elephants. Great friends and wine, plus funny stories about White Elephant gifts. Secret: Find a cohort to cheat the system so you both walk away with the most awesome gifts and then share. Even better if you're not a couple so then you can REALLY cheat the system.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Recycled Post From October

Sometimes I wonder why I had to be made into a girl. I wonder why I had to be made with all these ramped emotions and a mind that never stops thinking about at least 3 things at once. But while I seem to have every thought and every emotion running through my head, I still feel numb to things that are deep. I feel shallow and empty. I know thats not me. All the things that God has painfully changed me from seem to be flooding back again and it scares me. My heart, for some reason I cannot find, seems to ignore Him or just chose to not seek Him. I know my life is pointless with out my Lord's love in it... And life could never fully reach its potential until it is no longer my own. I ache to feel His tug on these emotions- to make them His and grab hold of my heart again. I long to feel His unmistakeable touch and hear His comforting voice that puts everything to ease.