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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A little side note...

Today was my cousin Jeff's 27th birthday. As usual, we all gathered at my aunts house for a big dinner and to just hang out with each other, including my 1 1/2 year old cousin Carter and his big brother Byron (3 years old) who comes complete with a Montana-sized imagination.
So in the midst of dinner, Byron looks at me with his big blues and flash light in hand saying, "Hey laina, wanta go hunting?" No girl could resist. Me and the little poacher "caught" 3 deers.
As the night drew to a close with many laughs at this child's stories and vivid imagination, as well as watching him get clobbered in an argument by his substantially younger sibling, I ended up with a fishing date tomorrow as well as 5 minutes worth of "I LOVE YOU! OK, Bye!"'s...
Needless to say it was much needed (and very refreshing) to see a simple blessing that shows us just how much God designed us for joy, even in the midst of confusion, stress, sadness, and insecurity...

Monday, November 24, 2008

A little baby-sized revelation...

So I have been thinking lately... which the simple event itself usually gets me in trouble... About how often I compare myself to others. How then it leads to this self doubt of if I am good enough for this or that or this person and not another... Its really a crazy dizzying cycle that sometimes ends, but most often does not. It begins with the simple admiration of a personality (or physical) trait that I see in another, then slowly becomes a firm belief that that other individual is somehow more likable, lovable, or valuable than myself and I begin to largely see everything that I lack.

Well, now I say.... ENOUGH! Its truly a selfish habit and does no good to anyone including myself. Those doubts are lies- things that blind me from the many things that are amazing and true blessings from the One who loves me just the way He's made me. 
Instead of focusing on internal things that really are not important, why not focus on things that are? Such as... A deeper love and relationship with God- taking time to truly dig in a see things in a way I never have before. Or giving what I can to those who need it- like an ear to listen, or a hug to embrace... A coffee to someone who needs a boost or warmth... Prayer for those who hurt, long, ache, or just do not think they have any hope... Be someone to praise with when life gives blessings... Laughter to someone who cant think of a reason to smile... Encouragement to a broken spirit... Oh holy moses, the things we can give that do not even cost a penny are endless; If only we could look beyond ourselves for a brief moment to see the needs of those who surround us daily.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A sign or just another funny story...

Today I got in a little medium-sized fender bender downtown... Everything's good so no worries!

So i called my insurance 1-800 number to make a claim. The guy asks me my name and last name, you know, the usual protocol... Well after I give him such info, he very casually asks, "So Alaina, are you looking to loose some of that weight today?" I thought he was joking until he repeated his question after a very crass and unexpectedly prompt "What the ?!?!?!" from my end of the conversation. We then came to the conclusion that a mere disposition of two rather important numbers reaches a diet and weight loss help line/center... Not quite what I was needing...