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Thursday, January 8, 2009

MMMMM! Do you smell that?!

It smells like spring outside!  Well, I know that its only temporary and that winter will resume in a few short days, but I will savor it while I have it!
Is it just me or does it seem like my hunger for God is apeezed during the winter months, but it always seems to grow more and more as I see more sun and feel warmer air. I cant explain it, but I'd like to break this cycle. Maybe its because of the lack of real sun or the sheer  frustration of having to drive in this grossness. Who knows, but I do know that I dont want to seek Him only  seasonally. 
All I want to do right now (besides snowboard, bake or clean) is go to Quemblin Park with my dog, climb a bit, and just sit there and look at the prettiness of what was created for our enjoyment. 
God is GOOD!!!!