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Monday, December 6, 2010

Enjoying the peace while I still have nothing to do...

I love reading friend's blogs and being touched and inspired to remember I have my own to write on, too.
Today has just been a happy day! I heard in lecture today that a key ingredient to living a long life is optimism. Yesterday, our pastor quoted a scripture about making one's language and conversation full of grace and seasoned with salt so that we can be wise in how we act towards others and make the most out of every opportunity. How can you not automatically want to just change everything to be more optimistic after that? How can you not stop to look at the words you say and want every utterance to be so fully saturated in grace and love that you just smile without a real cause?
I've come to find that the words we say have a lot of influence over how we are, and not the other way around. I have noticed in just this short time that when I turn words around to be more graceful, more loving, more honoring and respectful, and begin to see everything around me that is good, great, grand! The bad things just suddenly seem not so bad or permanent. Get this- the bad situations have their good, too! Blessing begin to have more richness, burdens have less weight.
I guess what I am really saying is... I have so much rich blessings, I am ecstatic! I look at pictures of my future stepdaughter and my fiance, and my heart fills with joy! I look at my friends (new and old) and think about all our wonderful talks and coffee dates, and just smile and get a little giggle going. I think of my history with Liisa, April, and Kelli from sixth grade until now; my friends from every stage of life that I still hold dear; and I think of my new ones Devon, Kelsey, Brianne, and Christina and think of how God truly provided each one. I think of my family, how wonderful they truly are! My schooling, my excitement for my future marriage and the adventures along the way. I understand what a gush-fest this all is, but I really can't comprehend the complete fullness this all brings me!
God has provided each step, each step shows how much he deeply knows me, and each moment reveals a great intricate plan that no one could create more perfectly.
Today, a smile will be on my face, ear to ear. Not because of what is ahead of me, but because of what I have. Nothing could be sweeter!

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