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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And four months later...

Holy cannoli! Its been 4 months since I remembered I actually had a blog. Last time I wrote, I was newly engaged- yay! Shortly after, Rob and I were separated for our summer jobs until the end of August. A long summer it was! He visited in July and I flew down to Boise at the very end of the season. I missed Rob, and I missed Moscow, which is amazing in itself.
Well, now school has started. I am taking a very full load (19 credits, soon to be 20), and interning, and practically going home or somewhere new every weekend. We will be on-the-go constantly until November. (The rest of this post is boring, so you may quit reading now if you'd like)
Family is in town, and there's nothing I love more than being with my family. So this weekend we are going home in hopes to see Nanny, and next week after that, the Kaiser (mom's) side is visiting! I haven't seen them in a few years, and I am so excited to see them. They are coming down to Moscow on the 2nd, and I will go home with them the next day.
Our amazing friends, Kelsey and JT are getting married in October and Rob is in the wedding party. Upside- SEATTLE! Downside- I'll only be there for less than 24 hours. Bummer. I LOVE Sea-town! I cannot wait for their wedding. This group of friend has grown to be one of great support for myself, Rob, and our relationship. Fun fun FUN times to come!
After that, its Miss Princess Abigail's third birthday! We are going down to Boise the weekend after the wedding to see the birthday girl, and my parents are meeting Rob's.
And of course, when we aren't away for the weekend, we are (and will be) busy with FARMER'S MARKET every saturday, and homework, football games, and hanging out with our super awesome friends, Alissa and Chad. I love Farmer's Market, and sad it only lasts until the end of October, but I cherish every moment of it that I can!
Wow, crazy weeks ahead. I love being busy, but I also like having moments of quiet. I am looking forward to when I can have my Super Clean Saturdays and Lazy Sundays, but at the moment, I love the excitement of it all! ;)


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